Spouse Visas

–Partner Temporary/Permanent Visas
The Australian spouse visas and partner visas are for applicants from overseas (Philippines) who are intending to marry an Australian Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident. They may also be granted to those who are living in a defacto ( “live-in”) relationship with an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident.
This is the visa is for those who wish to marry overseas and then apply for the visa, or those who wish to marry in Australia (if already in Australia) and then apply for the visa, or if you have been living together either in Australia or overseas for a substantial time and wish to apply on this basis. Same-sex couples may also apply.

Down Under Visa Clients Getting Married in Australia
If you intend to marry overseas, you may apply for a spouse visa and have it finalised after the marriage. This may can save some application time. However, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) will not quickly issue a partner visa as soon as you show them a marriage certificate. The Department works to its own timeframe, and not to yours.
We would be applying for a Subclass 309 temporary partner visa, or a Subclass 820 temporary partner visa if in Australia.
If the couple are still together after two years, they may be granted a Subclass 100 PERMANENT partner visa (or Subclass 801 PERMANENT partner visa if the original partner visa was applied for whilst in Australia). Please note that you apply for the 309/100 (or 820/801) at the same time.
If you have a long-term relationship, or a child of the relationship, you may in some circumstances bypass the temporary visa period.