Our Services – Down Under Visa

Jeff Harvie with a Down Under Visa Client
Finding the love of your life….that person whom you plan on spending the rest of your life together with……this is too important to mess about with, and too big a risk to take in order to save a few bucks. Here at Down Under Visa we know the law and the systems, and we understand and live the culture and the way things work in the beautiful Philippines.

Jeff with a Client
Our service is friendly and human, as well as highly professional. At Down Under Visa we know that we are dealing with real people with hopes, dreams and fears. We know that people may find the process a little daunting to undertake alone. We have been in that position ourselves, and we don’t forget. Down Under Visa honestly care about the outcome of all visa applications, and this is why we have such an astonishing rate of success.
We can (and do):
- Advise on an effective strategy (based on our knowledge of Australian Migration Law),
- Advise on an effective strategy (based on our knowledge of Australian Migration Law),
- For Philippines-based applications, these guidelines can include guidance on organising Philippines-sourced ID’s, birth certificates, passports, police clearances, certification of being eligible to marry, etc, and how to avoid fraudulent documents which will really get you into trouble!
- Provide step-by-step guidelines and checklists outlining all the documents and relationship evidence (visa requirements) for a successful application, and check that your requirements are correct
- Write a comprehensive legal submission to go with your application, outlining how your application meets the regulations in Law, and prepare your application in a professional manner that the Department will consider “Decision-Ready”.
- We check your final visa application very thoroughly, and present it in a clear and understandable form which decreases the chances of problems and delays occurring. We submit it to the Department, and liaise with the Department to the point of the visa being granted.